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Beneva will decrease paperwork for physicians

Beneva has announced that it will adjust its standards to allow physicians to complete less Insurance paperwork

Beneva has announced that it will adjust its standards to allow physicians to complete less Insurance paperwork, so decreasing their administrative load.

The decision was made after the Fédération des médecins omnipraticants du Québec (FMOQ) released the results of a survey indicating that physicians spend 24% of their time filling out insurance documentation.

“We are glad to lessen the administrative burden of family physicians so that they can spend more time to the care of their patients, many of whom are also our plan members,” said Éric Trudel, executive vice president and group insurance leader at Beneva. The fluidity of physician-provided services can be improved by the accumulation of little, considerate actions.

According to Beneva, decreasing the administrative load on physicians is crucial, especially as one of the leading insurers of group benefits in Quebec. In rare instances, the business noted that it does not require plan members to present medical prescriptions when submitting claims for paramedical services (such as psychology, physiotherapy, and chiropractic treatments).

Beneva also noted in a press release that it administers disability insurance claims using the standard form approved by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) and the FMOQ. Additionally, the insurer continues to partner with CLHIA and FMOQ to further streamline the form and lessen the administrative burden on physicians.

In November, Beneva entered into an agreement to sell its subsidiary SSQ Dealer Services’ distribution business to Sym-Tech Dealer Services, a part of Amyta Group. SSQ Dealer Services provides protection goods and services for automobiles to a network of Quebec dealers. Through the transaction, Sym-Tech will acquire the distribution network and extended warranty portfolio of SSQ Dealer Services.

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